It is said that shrimp that falls asleep is carried away by the current. Well, this is whatwe tried to avoid PLANIT team with the renewal of services, implementing new ways of working and as you can see renewing our website.
We tried to make the web more and better convey what we are and what we want to be a serious, responsible, with extensive knowledge of our industry and also an organization that is renewed and does not forget the importance of keeping up deethe latest developments both in the construction, rehabilitation, etc. as in otheraspects of life as the Internet, socialses networks, mobile …
We want our new website serves as a showcase but also, as we like to tell us to “base camp” for communication and contact between you and us. We are interested in, and much, your opinion so we hope we get ye do any of the channels that have opened for it, linkedin, facebook, twitter …. although, of course, always hope to continue maintaining the “physical contact” vital for any human relationship and professional.
A greeting.